S4TK Ambassadors

Highlighting college and professional athletes who support the mission of Sports 4 the Kids.

S4TK Ambassador Application

Sports 4 The Kids Ambassador

Alexa LoBasso


"I never knew the impact soccer would have on my life. It wasn’t until high school that I realized I can play in college if I work hard. Injuries throughout the way tried to bring me down but I stayed resilient in my dreams. I want to other kids to be able to chase their dreams and to experience the joy playing sports can come with."

G4TK Advice

"I maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising daily and eating healthy. I also get plenty of sleep. My biggest training tip is to drink lots of water, stretch, and have fun. I practice sportsmanship by making sure someone is ok if they get hurt and shaking hands after a match."

Soccer Ambassador

Stetson University

Sports 4 The Kids Ambassador

Alexandra Cisneros


"I have been running for almost ten years and I have had the privilege to transform a sport into an outlet and enjoyable space of which I look forward to doing each day."

G4TK Advice

"I maintain a healthy lifestyle by being active at least 5 days per week; whether that is practicing, lifting weights, etc. To go along with that, a healthy diet goes a long way. So eating protein, fruits, vegetables, and drinking water it very important. My advice for conditioning and personal training is to find someone to work out with and push you but who is also pushing themselves as well. Sportsmanship is very important because if you want to be respected, you have to respect others. On the field, you can show sportsmanship by shaking the other teams hand, and off the field you can be there for your teammates."

Cross Country/Track Ambassador

Davidson College

Sports 4 The Kids Ambassador

Ellie Kean


"I have been playing softball for about 12 years and it has made an incredible impact on my life and me as a person. I have made life long friendships with teammates and skills to help me throughout the rest of my life. Softball has taught me how to work as a team, work under pressure, and push myself to accomplish things I never thought possible. Growing up playing softball, I always felt like I could be better than where I was, like I was second best. After years of hard work (and still working), I have won a state championship, received college offers, and made friends who supported me through it all. Because of my amazing parents, teammates, and coaches I have been able to reach goals I never thought I could. My goal as a S4TK Ambassador is to help give the kids, who are less fortunate financially, the same opportunities I have been given."

G4TK Advice

"I maintain a healthy lifestyle by being active at least 5 days per week; whether that is practicing, lifting weights, etc. To go along with that, a healthy diet goes a long way. So eating protein, fruits, vegetables, and drinking water it very important. My advice for conditioning and personal training is to find someone to work out with and push you but who is also pushing themselves as well. Sportsmanship is very important because if you want to be respected, you have to respect others. On the field, you can show sportsmanship by shaking the other teams hand, and off the field you can be there for your teammates."

Softball Ambassador

University of North Georgia Aug 2022

Sports 4 The Kids Ambassador

Isaiah Bowser


"To me, sports are extremely important for kids to get involved in because it allows kids from any background to come together and learn a lot from one another. It also teaches kids the importance of hard work, discipline, teamwork and many more important life skills at a young age. For some kids, sports can be life changing the way it has been for me. After getting severe third degree burns on both my hands at just 2 years old I was very shy and embarrassed to hang around other kids outside of school. Participating in sports was a way for me to meet other kids and be more social. Sports has blessed me with many lifelong relationships, connections for a career after sports, a free degree from a top 10 university and now an opportunity to play in the NFL."

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